Questions number and format
The written exam is a 180 MCQs, each questions has 5 choices (A, B, C, D & E).
It is referred to by the college as Short Best Answer (SBA) but you can only choose one answer, so choose the best one!
Part A or "written component" of the RCSEd is divided into 2 sections, each one contains 90 MCQs and is 2 hours long. Last diet, the exam was paper-based. The total time is 4 hours.
The passing mark is 62% and it is not easy to get!
Time management is a big challenge for most candidates.
- The stem of the question is usually long. If it is a case scenario, then probably the choices are pretty long too. You will have to manage your time accordingly.
- You would need considerable time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. You will be provided with a booklet that has color printed questions and give you a separate answer sheet. Optical mark recognition is used for the answer sheet, meaning that you can only mark the correct answer with pencil only. Don't forget to check that you are transferring the correct answer to the corresponding question number every 10 questions or so.
Note: Before January 2020, the written exam used to be a one 3-hour-session with the same number of questions. The new extended Part A exam (with a 4-hour duration) should give you more time to think questions through, especially case scenario questions.
If the college is to change the paper exam to a computer-based exam, this would save a lot of time too and let you concentrate on getting all questions answered.
Coming next is an example of the MCQs..
Note: You can check if the RCSEd posts any new examples on this page.