New Exam Structure

After the Covid-19 breakout and resumption of exams, the RCSEd announced on their website that the Communication Skills -which was previously only 1 scenario/station- will be extended to 4 scenarios. On their website, you could find the above statement (this is a snapshot from their official website).

The Communication OSCE is comprised of 4 scenarios.

Each scenario is 15 minutes (5 minutes to read the scenario, and 10 minutes to perform)

For each scenario, you will be given clear instructions to be explained to the simulated patient or parent.

For each, you will be given 5 minutes to read through the scenario and make notes, and then spend 10 minutes with the simulated patient. You should be able to explain clearly the procedure or process, defend the treatment and demonstrate an evidence base for your explanations.

Candidates will be assessed on the content of the information as well as their empathy and ability to communicate clearly.

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